Basic Dog Massage Class For guardians
Throughout the year Heal offers a 'basic dog massage class for guardians'. This class is an introduction to animal massage and covers a handful of useful techniques that you can use with any quadruped. It runs about 90 minutes, and includes hands-on instruction and take-home information. We’ll focus on massage techniques that will help relax the nervous system, ease muscle and connective tissue tension, maintain proper joint flexibility and help with overall comfort.
Please reach out to Rubi if you’re interested in attending and/or hosting. rubi@healnw.com
Spot Magazine's Top Dog Awards!
We are very proud to announce our Top Dog second place win for “Medical-Holistic Practitioner”!!
You’ll find us just underneath the first place winner, Animal Healing Arts of Portland, in the latest edition of Spot Magazine. https://issuu.com/spotmagazine/docs/spot-febmar19-combo-web
We couldn’t have done it without our amazing support of people in our community! Thank you so very, very much. We are so very thankful and grateful.
““What a GREAT class! Gus and I both enjoyed it thoroughly. At home I am using it on our 16 1/2 yr. old Sunny, and Max, our foster dog, who both have lots of issues with arthritis, and spinal dysfunction, and they really relaxed, too. Thanks for sharing the healing touch with each of us. It is appreciated!!!”
““Maya and I both benefited so much from your class. Maya seemed energized after the class and even the next day seemed to be moving more easily as we walked through the neighborhood. I plan to repeat the strokes that you taught us as often as possible. And for the first time, I know what people mean when they talk about the person giving the massage feeling more relaxed! Like you said, there is an energy exchange. I felt I benefited from massaging Maya. Thank you so much for teaching these strokes and for helping people learn to use them.””
““My dear Sammie wants to give you a big “Woof” thank you. You have brought Sammie bak to the playful, fun and very happy dog she was before her terrible accident last June. I did not believe that it would be possible for her to walk 4 miles with me again. She could barely walk 4 blocks. Many of our friends are astounded at the change. She now even gives me a little nudge, if I am too slow to getting to our walk.
We believe you and the work you have done on her has made this chage. As you know Sammie loves you. You do get one of the best greetings from her. Thank you for coming into her life.””
In the News...
Oprah Magazine featured Heal Animal Massage!
If you flip to page 32 you can read up on it :) We hope you enjoy it!
Very special thanks to Samson with Apolloni Vineyards and Doug da Pug with Turnip the Heat Cooking School for being amazing models!!